Being fruitful in Christ


John 15:1 Jesus said "I am the true grapevine, and my father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so that they will produce even more.

Alot of Christians to today are full of questions, how can I be successful in marriage, in business, in ministry etc, etc.

But when you read the verse above, Jesus said, His father, that is God, prunes the branches that bear fruit so that they will produce even more.

The question now comes, who is he referring to the branch, is it the desciple, or the apostles?

But in verse 5, he made it clear that, "yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.

Jesus made it clear that anyone who remain in him, will produce much fruit, that means whether you are an apostle or an ordinary man, as long as you remain in him, you will produce much fruit.

And he said that, when you produce fruit, the father prunes you, so that you may produce even much more.

To prune is to remove every part of something that makes it ineffective and less productive. It could be a burden, character, a status etc...

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So, How can I remain in him now?

The only way we can remain in Him is by having his word in us, that means, you have to study his word again and again.

This word of Christ is of much importance, the word will do great things in you.

The word prunes and purifies, that why he said 

In verse 7 he said, but if you remain in me and my word remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted.

That's the power of the word, it opens the gate of heaven. 

But do you know why, because it first prunes and purifies you. (John15:3)

Every time you listen to the word, there is something is pruned from you, that means, you are edified.

So I advise you, just feed in the word, and it will do the rest for you. 

But you see, their are many fruits in this world, but let's desire to produce the fruit of the spirit, let's bring as many men to the knowledge of God as we can, that's the best fruit in a Christian life.

The context of this message is that, everytime you do something for the kingdom of God, he prepares you for more greater things. God bless you!!

Still remain your friend

Otim Brian Sundison 

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